Legislation Passes

Update from Doug on 3/25/2020………

Fellow AAEA Members,

Thanks to the hard work of PSEA Government Relations staff and the thousands of PSEA members who sent emails to state legislators, Senate Bill 751 passed through both chambers of the General Assembly today.  Besides the original intention of sweeping, positive changes to the educator evaluation system, emergency COVID-19 relief was added, including a waiver of the 180-day minimum school year, increased number of allowable flexible instruction days (virtual snow days – in this case, virtual virus days), waiver of CTE testing such as the NOCTI exam (Keystones and PSSAs were already waived), supply of protective materials for cleaning staff, assurance that PSERS credit will be given for the entire school year, and, best of all for support staff, a guarantee that all school employees – not just teachers – will be paid throughout the closure.

Of course, today was also the first day of our three days of professional development in preparation for online learning next week.  Hopefully, each and every one of you have a better idea how to make lessons and activities available to your students.  As a clarification on the time expectations, Dr. Prijatelj told me in a phone conversation today that we were all expected to get six hours in for each of these in-service days.  I know that this is contrary to what some of your principals told you, but I got it right from the superintendent.  Feel free to share my information if you are questioned.  As far as the time cards are concerned, mine will represent that for six hours I was engaged in two activities – “Development of Online Learning” and “Exploration of Varied Online Resources for Digital Learning.”  This was deemed appropriate by Dr. Prijatelj.  Just be sure to have your content ready to go for Monday morning.

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call (814-207-5580) or email me ([email protected]).

If you were one of the members that sent an email in support of our ESPs, thank you so much!  It is important that we are there for one another when other unions need our help.

In solidarity,


Covid-19 And How It Relates To Us

Update from Doug on 3/17/20………

Fellow AAEA Members,

As we continue to navigate the unfamiliar waters of the current situation, I wanted to share some information with you.

First, as an AAEA member, you will continue to get paid throughout all school closures.  I sent out the language from the Pennsylvania School Code that guarantees this last week.  Do not be confused by what Dr. Prijatelj sent out concerning the need for unemployment after two weeks of pay.  Unfortunately for some of our very valuable educational support staff, they are not covered by the School Code language.  His message was meant for various employees outside of the AAEA.

Second, we must be prepared to make up any and all of these missed days.  Even though PDE and Governor Wolf have declared that the minimum 180-day school year will be waived, it does not mean that make-up days will not be added to the school year.  Current state law mandates that schools cannot extend past June 30, however.

Third, in the interest of social distancing, we will not be holding the initial meeting of the Solidarity-Settlement Team on Thursday as planned.  Once the dust begins to settle, we will figure out how to resume our efforts to settle a fair contract.

Finally, speaking of contract negotiations, we have cancelled our scheduled session for this evening.  At our last bargaining session on February 27, we made some progress on a few language issues in our proposal.  The process has been slow but steady.  As stated earlier at the outset of negotiations, please don’t be tempted by the rumor mill.  Building reps were already given a list of issues that we included in our proposal, but we have yet to share the specifics of the district’s proposal.  As you may have found out from your building reps, we plan to release much more specific information at our AAEA General Membership meeting.  If you have gotten wind of any of the specifics of the district’s proposal, it certainly does not mean that we are going to accept them.  We will accept or reject a final tentative agreement as a union.  Be assured, however, that those that have volunteered to work on your behalf in this process are doing so with EVERY MEMBER’S best interests in mind.  The members of the negotiations committee and the table team will not even bring bad deals your way.  They will continue to work as long as it takes to secure a fair deal that propels us towards our short- and long-term goals.  At our last Executive Committee meeting, we voted to change the date of the General Membership meeting to April 22 instead of April 29.  Obviously, we will continue to monitor the current situation to determine if further changes need to be made, but you should mark your calendar so that you can attend.

As always, if you have any specific questions or needs, please feel free to contact me via email ([email protected]) or by phone (814-207-5580).  I suddenly have a great deal of free time on my hands, so do not think that you are a bother.

Please take care of yourself and your family throughout this situation.

In solidarity,


Tax Prep Offer

Teachers are overworked, underpaid, disrespected and generally handcuffed by bureaucratic red tape.  You deserve better. We at McDowell’s Office Management would like to help.  Although we feel we already have the lowest tax preparation fees around, we want to make you a better offer.  Whether you are a new client or a returning client we will prepare your 2019 “standard return” for $54, a discount of 10% off our normal fee.  Our “standard return” includes Federal, State and Local plus electronic filing. Also, unlike some preparers who charge for each additional schedule they fill out, for teachers we include 1099 Savings Account Worksheet, 8889 Health Savings Account, the Educator Expense Worksheet, the Student Loan Worksheet and the 2441 Child Care Expense at no additional charge.

We do only drop off service (no sit down appointments.)  We have our office in our home at 1025 23rd Avenue and our phone number                 is 814-207-3295. Simply call and ask for Bill.

For several years we have been doing some year-end work for the Altoona Area Education Association.

We thank you in advance for considering us as your tax professional.

Time for Renewal of Clearances

It may be time to renew your background checks and clearances to ensure your continued ability to educate your students.  Many of us renewed the last time near the beginning of 2015; so, with the five-year window in effect, it is time once again.  Check out the links below to lead you through the process.  Let me know if you have any questions.


Red For Ed

Another Wednesday is upon us.  As I walk through the halls of the junior high school, I am mixed with emotions.  About half of my colleagues are dressed similarly to me, sporting red, supporting ed.  That makes my heart happy and proud.  But on the flip side, I walk past others who not only are not wearing red, but who ask me questions like, “Why is everyone wearing red, did I miss something?” Or my favorite one, “Who is Ed?”  Even though I want to cry, I don’t, instead I fill my colleagues in on what they’re missing.  Ed is no person; instead, the #RedForEd Movement is a movement that started about a year ago in West Virginia, Oklahoma, and several other states where educators, students, and communities took a stand for strong public schools.  PSEA president Rick Askey explained the movement in his own words by saying, “We stand with our colleagues in those states and their students as we raise our voices to protect public schools and to support every student in this great commonwealth.  That’s why we’re wearing our ‘Red for Ed.'”In our own state this past July, some PSEA members traveled to Harrisburg, dressed in red, to encourage lawmakers to approve legislation to increase school funding, enhance school safety, increase the state minimum teacher salary and minimum wage, and improve student-to-professional ratios for school counselors, nurses, psychologists, and social workers.  And locally, our AAEA president has urged us to wear red as a sign of solidarity, not necessarily solidarity as a union, but solidarity as people who support public education.  It is such a small gesture, wearing red on Wednesday, but if we all participated, it could send a very powerful message.  I know some members, myself included, have complained each week saying, “I don’t own a lot of red.”  (I have one red sweater that I wear weekly, and that thing is on it’s last limb.)  Well, that’s where I come in!  From today, November 20, through Friday, December 6, I will be selling red apparel.  It is not AAEA apparel, it is not AASD apparel, but red apparel that can be worn for many other occasions (think of the upcoming holiday season) besides#RedForEd; but my hope is that you’ll buy it ito add to your #RedForEd collection.  If this sale goes well, I’ll be happy to offer other choices after the new year, shirts, vests, etc.  I’m open to suggestions.    In order to try to accommodate everyone’s preferences, I have 3 ways that you can order. 1) See your building rep.  He/she has a paper order form which you can fill out.  You can then give the order form and money to him/her on or before December 6.  2)  I have attached a link to that order form.  You can print it out yourself.  Then you can give the form and money to your building rep on or before December 6.  This will also give you a chance to look at the scarves and ties you have to choose from.  3)  Use the attached link to access a Google order form.  You can fill it out and then give the money to your building rep, or send it to Maggie Lewis via inner office mail by Friday, Dec 6.  https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe-2aOg5K8deCdKFoGla2L9f0RJ-veIyxwLG-AxTeyKJ-Vg2g/viewformIn addition, this sale is not closed to AAEA members.  If you have other people in your building, students, parents, community members, etc who would also like to support public education, please encourage them to buy as well.  The more support we can get, the merrier.  Thanks for all that you do to make our profession great!  Maggie Lewis


Once again this year, the district is offering an Empower3 membership free of charge to our members.  The caveat is that you are required to switch your primary care to Empower3.  Last year, families could not participate, but this year, Empower3 has added Pediatric Healthcare Associates as a pediatric provider.  If you would like to learn more about Empower3, they are offering two open house opportunities to our members to tour the new facility and meet the staff.  The open houses are scheduled for April 9 and April 17 from 3-5 PM at the Empower3 office now located at 2525 9th Avenue, Suite 2B (the Puritan building behind what was Bon Secours Hospital and is now the Graystone Grande Palazzo).

AAEA Spring Fling

The annual AAEA Spring Fling is set for Friday, April 26, at 6 PM at the Buccinese Society at 614 8th Avenue in Altoona.  Every member is welcome to bring his or her significant other.  Food will be provided, along with at least one drink ticket per attendee.  Heated bocce matches are always one of the highlights of the evening besides the opportunity to kibitz with your fellow union members.  An attendance form will be coming out soon so that we can be prepared for the right number attending.  Mark your calendars now and plan to be there.
RSVP by clicking on the link below and filling out the Google Form.
