Legislation Passes

Update from Doug on 3/25/2020………

Fellow AAEA Members,

Thanks to the hard work of PSEA Government Relations staff and the thousands of PSEA members who sent emails to state legislators, Senate Bill 751 passed through both chambers of the General Assembly today.  Besides the original intention of sweeping, positive changes to the educator evaluation system, emergency COVID-19 relief was added, including a waiver of the 180-day minimum school year, increased number of allowable flexible instruction days (virtual snow days – in this case, virtual virus days), waiver of CTE testing such as the NOCTI exam (Keystones and PSSAs were already waived), supply of protective materials for cleaning staff, assurance that PSERS credit will be given for the entire school year, and, best of all for support staff, a guarantee that all school employees – not just teachers – will be paid throughout the closure.

Of course, today was also the first day of our three days of professional development in preparation for online learning next week.  Hopefully, each and every one of you have a better idea how to make lessons and activities available to your students.  As a clarification on the time expectations, Dr. Prijatelj told me in a phone conversation today that we were all expected to get six hours in for each of these in-service days.  I know that this is contrary to what some of your principals told you, but I got it right from the superintendent.  Feel free to share my information if you are questioned.  As far as the time cards are concerned, mine will represent that for six hours I was engaged in two activities – “Development of Online Learning” and “Exploration of Varied Online Resources for Digital Learning.”  This was deemed appropriate by Dr. Prijatelj.  Just be sure to have your content ready to go for Monday morning.

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to give me a call (814-207-5580) or email me ([email protected]).

If you were one of the members that sent an email in support of our ESPs, thank you so much!  It is important that we are there for one another when other unions need our help.

In solidarity,
