Thinking Of Retirement?

For some of us, retirement is right around the corner.  If this is you, it is never too early to start preparing.  PSEA Central Region is hosting a pre-retirement seminar on Saturday, February 18, at the Ramada in State College.  It is recommended that if you are thinking about retirement in the next five years, you should attend this session.  Topics covered will include healthcare, wills, powers of attorney, trusts, and other legal planning documents.  Your options through PSERS will be explained as well.  The program lasts all day, from 8 AM until 3 PM, with both breakfast and lunch being served on site.  The total cost is $25.  To register on-line, follow the link below.  If you would like me to send you a registration form, let me know.

Don’t Pack Away That Jersey Yet!

A special dress down day is approaching.  We are trying to raise funds for the various community outreach programs sponsored by our cluster of PSEA’s Central Region.  At the same time, we would like to send a message of accepance and tolerance for all of our students, no matter what their background and current situation might be.

On Thursday, January 19, “Everybody Counts Day” will take place throughout all buildings in the district.  All employees will have the opportunity to donate $3 in order to take part in the event.  You may either wear your normal dress down day attire or, to express the theme of the day, a numbered shirt or jersey (get it? – everybody counts).  So, just when you thought that you had to put that Penn State jersey away until next season, you have a reason to don it once again.

Specific directions for each building will be forthcoming from your AAEA building rep or your principal.

Also, although we are not collecting money from students, we would like to encourage all of our students to take part in the event as well.  They can express the theme of “Everybody Counts” by wearing their favorite jersey to school that day.

PSEA Central Region Cluster II has done a great deal of good for our local communities in the past few years, and your support of this event will help that effort to continue.

Do You Want To Earn An Extra $12,000 Per Year?

So, did that get your attention?  If you are a new member and you want an extra $12,000 per year, read on.

New hires to the district are getting a notice from PSERS that they need to make a decision.  You must decide whether to pay 7.5% into retirement to establish the 2.0 multiplier for your pension or pay close to 11% into retirement to establish the 2.5 multiplier for your pension.

I know that retirement is a long way away for you – 35 years for most of you.  However, if you work for 35 years and earn an average salary of $70,000 over the last three years of your career, you will make $12,000 more per year with the 2.5 multiplier.  That means that you would make about $61,500 per year instead of $49,000 per year.

Is an extra 3-4% per year now worth an extra 25% per year later?  You only get one chance at making this decision – NO BACKSIES!

If you have any questions, please contact me, but don’t take this decision lightly.  You may even want to talk to a financial planner.  We can suggest a few if you need it.

Sick Leave Bank Deductions

Season’s greetings to all.  One more week to go before you all get a much-deserved respite.  Keep the fire burning!

The purpose for this e-mail is to inform anyone within the first three years of membership to the AAEA Sick Leave Bank that your one-day donation due this year was removed yesterday.  So, if your balance does not seem right when you get your paystub today, this could be the reason.  This deduction may not appear until the next pay period, but I wanted to give you a heads up.

Tell Our Senators That Betsy DeVos Is Unqualified For Secretary Of Education

Dear members,

President-elect Donald Trump’s decision to nominate Betsy DeVos as Secretary of Education is troubling. DeVos is a well-known tuition voucher supporter and billionaire political donor. She is unqualified for this position.

Betsy DeVos:

  • supports tuition vouchers
  • promotes initiatives that divert funding from public schools
  • has no experience with public education 

Please contact Sen. Bob Casey and Sen. Pat Toomey TODAY, and tell them to vote “no” on Betsy DeVos’ nomination for Secretary of Education.

Thank you for speaking up for our schools, our students, and our profession.

NEA Voting

It is that time of year to vote for Central Region delegates to the NEA Representative Assembly.  This year’s RA is in Boston in July.  You should have gotten an e-mail from PSEA president Jerry Oleksiak.  The process is easy and takes very little time.  Please take a moment to vote for your Altoona brothers and sisters.  If we are elected, our expenses will be covered by PSEA.  If we aren’t elected, the PSEA funds will go to send others to Boston.  You may also wish to support the delegate from Hollidaysburg – Todd Russell.  We work very closely with Todd.  Thanks for your time and happy voting!

Get Involved in AAEA

In the most recent issue of the Potty Press, Vice President Geis urged you to find a way to get more involved in the union.  There are two current opportunities for you to do so.

First, we are in need of a few members of the Sick Leave Bank Committee.  Retirements have depleted the committee.  The Sick Leave Bank is an important benefit to our membership, and the committee is tasked with being good stewards of the available days.  If you would like to be considered for the committee, please contact me.  The committee only meets when a member makes a request to withdraw days from the bank, so the time commitment is minimal.

Also, we are looking for members with 7 or less years of teaching who would like to fill our two at-large positions on the Executive Committee.  This would offer you an inside glance at the inner workings of running the association.  It might even give you an idea of whether you might like to get more involved in the future.  The committee meets once each month.

Please contact me if you have an interest or questions.

November 4 Paycheck Details

This week’s paycheck will include all retroactive pay related to the new contract.

There will be several line items under the gross pay portion of the stub. One will include your new bi-weekly salary. A second includes the retroactive pay.

A third line is the 8/26 biweekly pay. In essence, rather than paying the contract over 25 pays between Sep. 1 and Aug. 15 as we originally thought, the District has issued a second pay for the August 26 pay period.

This extra pay eliminates the need to disperse the salaries over 25 pays.