Category Archives: Announcements

Trivia Night a Huge Success

Our annual PSEA Cluster II Trivia Night was a huge success this year.  Over 80 PSEA members from across our local area took part, including close to 20 AAEA members.  The evening serves as a great social opportunity but most importantly acts a way to support the Saint Vincent de Paul Food Pantry during the holiday season.  Almost $5,000 in food was donated by our local teachers along with $110 in gift certificates.

To cap off the success of the evening, one of our own teams won the night.  Erick Kozak, Leigh Ann Kozak, Joe Sohmer, Patty Sohmer, and Jim O’Donnell were the top purveyors of useless information.  Congratulations to their team, “In Bed by Nine,” and everyone else who took part in the event.

Professional Development Money Depleted

The cupboard is officially bare.  All of the funds that the district has budgeted for professional development for the school year have been spoken for.  If more funds become available, we will let you know; otherwise, you will need to secure funding from some other source for any further requests in 2017-2018.

Also, in other IPD Council news, please be reminded that the “pre-approval” form for credit reimbursement beyond 24 credits needs to be submitted before the course begins.  Don’t take the chance that your request is denied by the superintendent due to timeliness.

Embrace the Trivial November 16

It is time to shake the cobwebs off of all of that useless information you have stored in the back of your brain.  PSEA Cluster II Trivia Night is coming up on November 16.  You can enter a team of AAEA members to take on teams from other area schools to win fabulous prizes.  Did I mention that you can eat for free as well?  Check out the flyer for more information and let me know if you are planning to participate and who your team members are.  It is a great way to support the food bank at a time when many of our local families are in need.

AAEA Opportunities Abound

Once again, I want to offer you some great opportunities to get involved in your union.  Any union is only as strong as its members and is dependent on members’ willingness to get involved.  Please consider the following:

  • Attend the AAEA General Membership Meeting.  Our first General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 24, from 4:00-5:30 PM in room A-211 of the high school.  Among the topics to be presented will be 403b retirement information and school board election recommendations.  Don’t miss your chance to get updates on union activities and benefits.
  • Become a committee member.  We have 10 standing committees that work to offer services and benefits to the membership.  They include the Council on Instruction & Professional Development (Shane McBurney, Chair), Legislative Committee (Tim Behe, Chair), Membership Committee (Kathy Oakes, Chair), Negotiations Committee (Sam Solomon, Chair), PACE Committee (Liz Barr, Chair), Professional Rights & Responsibilities Committee (Jason Geis, Chair), Public Relations & Communication Committee (Maggie Lewis, Chair), Social Committee (Jamie Dyer, Chair), Special Education Committee (Justin Barr, Chair), and Special Events & Services Committee (Jeff Guyer, Chair).  Contact me or committee chairpersons for more information on what each committee does for the union.
  • Sit on the Executive Committee.  We are looking for At-Large Members to serve on ExCo who have less than 7 years’ service to the district and would like to “get their feet wet” concerning union goings-on.
  • Act as a local delegate.  Each fall and spring, PSEA holds a House of Delegates where important union business is discussed and voted on.  The AAEA sends a delegation of 8 members to each event.  You could be one of them.

If you have an interest in any of the opportunities listed above, please contact me as soon as possible.

IU8 partners on new college loan assistance program

Appalachia IU 8 has partnered with ISLoan Solutions, a student loan advisory company, to help improve your student loan situation and achieve overall financial well-being. They educate you and provide options, including loan forgiveness and refinancing, that may help lower, or even eliminate, your payment. To date, education employees nationally have been presented with nearly $400 million in potential loan forgiveness. Those who hired ISLoan Solutions are saving an average of 86% on their monthly student loan payments and are projected to receive an average of $80,137 in tax-free loan forgiveness.


Enter code: AIU8 to learn more

Continue reading IU8 partners on new college loan assistance program

Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Begins

It is time once again for open enrollment in the Sick Leave Bank (SLB).  Remember, if you have enrolled in the past, you are a member until you leave the district.  There is no need to enroll each year.  Attached, you will find the guidelines of the SLB and the enrollment form.  You must return the form to the AAEA office by the last day of September.  Let me know if you have any questions.

Sick Leave Bank Guidelines_rev_8-11-16_44502_1

AAEA SLB Enrollment Form_44502_2

Free Dinner Anyone?

If you would like a free dinner at Marzoni’s in Greenwood, read on.

On Monday, February 6, staff members from the PSEA Central Region Office in State College are hosting a gathering at Marzoni’s in Greenwood.  They are interested in finding out what you want from PSEA and AAEA.  They are looking for two members-at-large from each of the local school districts to share their thoughts in an open discussion.  They are looking for folks who are not otherwise involved in the regular business of the association.  You won’t have to prepare a speech.  Just enjoy a free meal, listen to the thoughts of other teachers from the area, and share what ideas you might have.

If you are interested, e-mail me ASAP.  The first two volunteers that fit the mold will be in.

In solidarity,


Thinking Of Retirement?

For some of us, retirement is right around the corner.  If this is you, it is never too early to start preparing.  PSEA Central Region is hosting a pre-retirement seminar on Saturday, February 18, at the Ramada in State College.  It is recommended that if you are thinking about retirement in the next five years, you should attend this session.  Topics covered will include healthcare, wills, powers of attorney, trusts, and other legal planning documents.  Your options through PSERS will be explained as well.  The program lasts all day, from 8 AM until 3 PM, with both breakfast and lunch being served on site.  The total cost is $25.  To register on-line, follow the link below.  If you would like me to send you a registration form, let me know.